Het laatste veegje op het toilet. Eigenlijk niet nodig, maar je moet maar durven!

The last wipe on the toilet. Not really necessary, but you just have to dare!

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The habit of 'cleaning' with a piece of paper after the big errand is downright unhygienic & uncomfortable.

Everyone agrees about this since cleaning with a water jet has become the hygienic standard, at least for the civilized part of the Dutch population. What caught our attention in the media last week, however, is the fact that folkloric wiping with toilet paper is by definition wasteful: You always use more paper than is strictly necessary. Kasper van der Laan explains flawlessly in a broadcast of De Wereld Draait Door that everyone (at least the paper sweepers among us) is guilty of this. (Below this text you will find a link to the relevant item). The core of his argument, and as someone who can refute it, we recommend that you always check after a wipe whether the toilet paper is indeed clean. If that is the case, it means that the buttocks are also clean. That then means that the last swipe was not necessary and you could have stopped at the penultimate swipe. But... How do you know that in advance? And as Kasper aptly describes it: do you dare?

Fortunately, as a user of a toilet shower, you don't have to deal with these kinds of banal dilemmas. After a cleaning jet of water you are always hygienically clean. And without the wasteful use of toilet paper!